Monday 29 April 2013


The Year 12 expedition dates are confirmed for Wednesday 19th/Thursday 20th June 2013. The expedition will follow the Saxon Shore Way from Faversham to Reculver in Kent, with an overnight stop at Whitstable.

The theme for the expedition will be "The defence of the UK through the ages" and the route will include direct evidence of defence going back to Roman times. The expedition will be written up for assessment and student blogs updated.

Full details, including the consent letter are to be found in the Unit 9 folder on the G Drive in a file named "Saxon Shore Way Expedition".

Tuesday 23 April 2013


Planning the second of the 1 day expeditions: Leg 2 of the London Loop, scheduled for Wed 08 May 13.

1. You will need to carry out the planning for the second 1 day expedition, which will qualify you for P4 (once you have done the expedition!). Use all the same planning documentation that you used for planning the first expedition. All documentation can be found in an "Expedition Planing" folder in the Unit 9 file on the G Drive.

2. Make sure that your P5 and P6 reviews and action plans from the first expedition are completed and handed in.

3. Start the independent planning for 1 day and multi-day expeditions, which will give you access to Merit grades.

Useful website:


The two day expedition for Unit 9 will take place on Wed 19th/Thursday 20th June and will follow the Saxon Shore Way from Faversham to Reculver. More details later.