Thursday 31 May 2012

Year 12 Summer Expedition - The Saxon Shore Way

The dates for the Summer Expedition have been confirmed as Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th July 2012, following the Saxon Shore Way along the North Kent coast between Faversham and Reculver, camping out near Whitstable. This will form the cornerstone of the 4 week Year 12 project and provide evidence of an expedition for Unit 10 next year. The project will be written up as a student blog. The theme of the expedition will be Kent's defences through the ages and will take in sites from Roman Britain to the post Second World War era.

A Pre-Expedition, under load carrying conditions will take place on Thursday 28th June 2012. All participants on the 2 Day Expedition will need to take part. 10Kg loads will be carried on the day.

Planning Timetable:

Thursday 21 June P3/4/5: Packing a rucksack/Clothing & equipment/Routecard
Friday 22 June P4/5: Complete Routecard/Collect equipment from PE Dept
Monday 25 June P1/2: Risk Assessment and production of RA/Prep for Thursday 28th
Wednesday 27 June P4/5: Campcraft: Selecting a campsite, erecting tents, cooking.
Thursday 28 June (all day): Practice load carrying expedition.
Friday 29 June P4: Cooking.
Monday 02 July P1/2: Kit & Equipment issue/emergency first aid.
Wednesday 04/Thursday 05 July: EXPEDITION.
Monday 09 July-Friday 20 July: Write up/production of reports/production of blogs.

The website for the campsite is

A consent form for the pre-expedition is shown below:

Expedition consent forms must be collected from Mr Wilson and returned with £10, which covers transport and campsite fees.
An example of an expedition blog (produced by 14 yr old students) is shown below:

Thursday 24 May 2012

Level 3 Year 12 Coursework Completion

Updated on 31 May 12

All outstanding coursework from Units 2 and 9 needs to be completed by Half Term. After half term we will be working on the Yr 12 project, which will be the planning, undertaking and review of the two day expedition along the Saxon Shore Way.

Work still outstanding:

Unit 9 (Outdoor and Adventurous Expeditions) Scott: P1, P4(pm), P5 and P6.

Unit 2 (Leadership & Teamwork) Scott: P5 and P7.

Well Done to Shaun, Connor, Oti and Dominic for now passing Unit 9 and to Connor and Shaun for passing Unit 2.

Please print off work or email to

Thursday 17 May 2012

Year 12 Level 3: Unit 9 Outdoor & Adventurous Expeditions

Follow up to NAVEX on Wed 16 May 12

To confirm action that is now required to complete Unit 9: Karl: M3, M4, M5 Otis: P4, P5, P6 David: M4, M5 Connor: P4, P5 Scott: P1, P4, P5, P6 Bianca: P4, P5, P6 Dominic: P4, P5, P6 Shaun: P3, P4, P5, P6 Christine: P4

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Saxon Shore Way Expedition

The Saxon Shore Way Expedition will take place on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th July. Don't worry though: we will not be doing the whole length, just a selected portion!

We will camp out at the half way point.

The expedition will fit neatly into Units 9, 10 and 35 and the end of year project for year 12 students.

 PS: It should also be fun!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Level 2: Unit 18 Security in Public Services

Level 2 learners have completed Unit 18 (Security in the Public Services), with a security exercise run by Mr Toomey. Mr Toomey set up the exercise based on his experiences as a trainer in the security industry.